Why hospice?

‘You matter because you are you, and you matter to the last moment of your life. We will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully but also to live until you die.’ (Cicely Saunders).

This quote sums up very succinctly why Hospice exists and why so many passionate people work and volunteer at Hospice. People matter, in particular, people matter when they are sick and when they are dying. We believe that no matter your circumstances, you deserve to be pain free, have your symptoms (both from the illness and/or treatment) managed; and to live as dignified and complete a life as you are capable of, until you die. We will try to help you achieve this.

We want to help you live as completely as possible until you die.

The Msunduzi Hospice Association embodies this belief through activities within the community of Msunduzi (greater Pietermaritzburg). Msunduzi Hospice offers Hospice and Palliative care. “Palliative care is the physical, psychological, social and spiritual care provided by an inter-disciplinary team of experts to anyone with a life-threatening illness and their loved ones. Care is offered from the point of diagnosis and extends to bereavement support if needed."